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Message started by Roy Matson on 07/27/16 at 09:54:44

Title: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 07/27/16 at 09:54:44
Where on the site do I find the software that converts my laptop into a MyECU terminal

Also I need a good map for a VII Sport with stock intake but Mistral cans



Sorry, I need re-training after a coffee break >:(

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by YaBB Administrator on 07/27/16 at 12:43:59
The laptop software is legacy code nowadays. I've put the link up to the last version when I get home.

Talking to the MyECU with an Android device over Bluetooth is the preferred method.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by YaBB Administrator on 07/27/16 at 19:32:09
You can get the last ECUController from here -

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 07/29/16 at 08:46:45
Thanks Cliff, I guess I'm a luddite

Will it work on IPhone"

how do I see those tiny numbers with 70YO eyes?

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 07/30/16 at 15:44:19
Thanks for that Cliff

Now could I bother  someone for a map
2001 VII Sport with stock airbox and Mistral mufflers,
crossover under the box

Never mind, once I installed the software the one you sent way back when popped up

I should say the ECU has been performing flawlessly for the last few years, I screwed something up when I reset the TPS
I will upload the map, save it and start with the base map


Thanks a lot


Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 08/04/16 at 13:59:20
I tried to connect this evening but I think I have the wrong ethernet cable, I have miss-laid the one I used last time I wired the new one as a standard, should it be a crossover?

What parts do I need to switch to bluetooth.
I would like to retain the laptop as interface.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by LOS on 08/04/16 at 15:27:01
Look at this chain:

RJ45 connector on the MyEcu board is not an Ethernet but a special TTL low voltage serial connector.
If you do not have a TTL serial port on your PC you need an usb-TTL serial adapter (5V if I remember right) to use a serial cable.
It's easier  to use BT.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 08/05/16 at 04:56:15
LOS, thanks for the reply, I was aware it's not Ethernet but there is a cable with RJ45 connectors that goes between the ECU and the RS232 adapter board. I assumed the pinout was identical to an Ethernet cable either straight thru or crossover.
I have a laptop with real RS232 port.

MyECU is several years old

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by YaBB Administrator on 08/05/16 at 06:47:50
I used the HC05 BT module lately. Much cheaper and seems to connect easier than the earlier RN42 based module.
It does require being setup to a different mode first which requires a USB to serial connector to do. Bit of a chicken and egg problem.
I can send you a made up one if you want.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 08/05/16 at 07:42:24
Cliff, a made up one is probably my best option.
I have a laptop with serial port, and USB ports
I'm almost certain it doesn't have bluetooth
The ECU is RJ45 of course.

BTW I asked the question "does the android app work with an I-Phone

Send me a PM with cost

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 08/05/16 at 14:28:55
I managed to get some sort of a connection to the ECU usinfg a cross over RJ45 cable, I was able to see the TPS Voltage went up to 980 as I opened the throttle but unable to Upload or Download the map, seemed to time out after about 10 minutes.
I think I must have something wrong in the cable, just made it a regular Ethernet crossover. Is there a special pinout?

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by raz on 08/05/16 at 18:41:04
That cable need to be straight, not xover.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by YaBB Administrator on 08/06/16 at 07:00:08
I'm not sure what you are trying to connect. The ECU is TTL level and not RS232 serial.

You want something like this -

Then add the network cable at the end. You only need to connect 3 wires. Have a look at the bottom of this page -
Double check your colours are the same with a continuity check to the connector -

I don't think an iPhone can run any android app. Apple says no. They also can't do bluetooth serial without using a special apple licensed chip.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by Roy Matson on 08/09/16 at 08:03:11
Cliff, you'll have to forgive me for appearing a bit thick.
What I have been trying to connect is my laptop to the serial to TTL converter you supplied with my kit.
This little board has an RJ45 connector, the MyECU card also has an RJ45, I lost that cable so I made up a cat 5 straight cable it didn't seem to work. I made up a crossover cable, it seemed to partially work.

Now you are steering me towards a USB to serial TTL converter which looks like an elegant solution.
I assume the cable to purchase is the one with 5V TTL logic not 3.3V
My cable pin-out would be
MyECU RJ 45                           TTL-232R-5V-WE         
pin 1 Ground (labeled Grd)       Black wire (Gnd)
pin 6 Rxd (labeled IX)              Orange wire (Txd)
pin 8 Txd (labeled Tx)              Yellow wire (Rxd)

I understand Bluetooth is no longer on the table.

Title: Re: Laptop Software
Post by YaBB Administrator on 08/11/16 at 07:34:55
I haven't used that board in a long time. I don't recall having to use a cross over. That board is basically just an RS232 buffer and is powered by the ECU.

The RS232 chip is standard. Check continuity of 0V 5V RX and TX from it to the ECU board.
This image shows RX TX of ECU chip -
Goto to the 5V regulator for 0V and 5V check.

The ECU is constantly streaming data..

See if this help

I've got a more recent version but its too large to attach. Send me an email if you want that.

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