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Message started by Trav on 05/30/17 at 10:58:33

Title: Optimiser running display question
Post by Trav on 05/30/17 at 10:58:33
I've read that the little green icon on the table display on Android is supposed to track which bin the current throttle and rpm are but mine seems stubbornly stuck in the bottom left no matter the rpm or throttle setting.
Is there an known issue? I haven't been able to find anything.
900ss 15M

Title: Re: Optimiser running display question
Post by YaBB Administrator on 05/31/17 at 06:44:11
I think that feature may be broken for open loop. I'm hoping to have a new version in a few weeks and will make sure that feature works again.
For the moment to determine the engine operating point you can use the throttle/rpm tacho display that is enabled with switch 3 in the ECU.

Title: Re: Optimiser running display question
Post by Trav on 05/31/17 at 20:21:47
I hooked up a 14.7 Spartan WB this evening and with that going (don't forget to switch the dip to turn on closed loop Trav) it gets moving after a minute or so of running.
Shifting from crazy rich to crazy lean at the moment so something weird going on but getting there.


Title: Re: Optimiser running display question
Post by YaBB Administrator on 06/11/17 at 12:39:21
The o2 voltage input can be quite noisy. The most important thing is how the MyECU responds to it. There shouldn't be much variation in the closed loop correction - a few percent.

Of course before enabling closed loop you should make sure that you have appropriate target voltages in your map.

I've released the next Android Optimiser version which has the fix for tracking open loop.

Title: Re: Optimiser running display question
Post by Trav on 06/18/17 at 15:27:20
Where is the best place ti find tge new version?

Title: Re: Optimiser running display question
Post by YaBB Administrator on 06/18/17 at 16:04:34
It is where you got the previous version.
If your are not seeing it try hitting F5 to refresh the page

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