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MyECU >> Getting started with MyECU >> app android

Message started by alessandro ferrari on 10/21/23 at 20:11:32

Title: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/21/23 at 20:11:32
i have a problem with the app for android. i can upload and download the map ,
I assume that the connected bleutooth works.
but it doesn’t show the battery voltage and the rev counter.
works for 2 years

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 10/22/23 at 09:33:16
Please email me the log file the app is producing.

Title: Re: app android
Post by sign216 on 10/22/23 at 11:02:55

alessandro ferrari wrote on 10/21/23 at 20:11:32:
i have a problem with the app for android. i can upload and download the map ,
I assume that the connected bleutooth works.
but it doesn’t show the battery voltage and the rev counter.
works for 2 years

Just today I tried to use the app, and found it wasn't connecting.  In the past it was finicky too.  I'll try again, after I review my prior notes.

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/24/23 at 02:23:01
hi, i will send you tomorrow , thanks .

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/24/23 at 20:57:45
hi , this the log;file=Log_1024_112755_1_.txt (23 KB | 47 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 10/25/23 at 07:35:01
Well there is no two way communication happening so even your map upload is not working.
It is possible that you are connected to something other than the ECU.
Start the app with the bike off and then do the scan again after turning the bike on.

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/25/23 at 18:01:13
thanks Jefferies, i'll do this morning

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/25/23 at 21:17:06
hi, i have tried two times today ,have to different logs..
im checking the dongles cable
the  third file is exported after reassembly the dongle. i habe try to get map and load a new map;file=Log_1025_112956_1_.txt (13 KB | 48 );file=Log_1025_113328_1_.txt (16 KB | 44 );file=Log_1025_124646_1_.txt (33 KB | 44 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 10/26/23 at 06:29:10
I noticed you are using the latest app. Where you on a previous version? Did this problem start after the upgrade?
That last file is showing noise being received that wasn't in the previous logs.
12:46:54- ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/27/23 at 03:51:56
i have tryed olds version 1.05b 1.06e 1,07a.
all version crash when try to load the map.
install the last app .
modified this line
RPM         500 1500  2000  2500  3000  3600  3800  4000  4400  4800  5000  5400  5600  6800  7600  8143
RPM         1000  1500  2000  2500  3000  3600  3800  4000  4400  4800  5000  5400  5600  6800  7600  8143

in attach the last log. seems to be ok , no more
but this message is weird (for me)
OptimiserActivity - Failed to set map entry 00
you have wrote this map didnt work. is a ecu problem , map wrong or something else?

thank for your time  :);file=Log_1026_063140_1_.txt (53 KB | 45 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 10/27/23 at 07:25:05
"Failed to set map entry 00" is what I would expect if it was not talking to the ECU properly. The app has sent the command but not received a response from the ECU.
I think you should check the dongle in isolation. Apply the 5V and ground and connect the RX to TX and then connect with the app.

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/28/23 at 02:56:12
hi Cliff,
I did yesterday, redo the solder in the dongle. The strange marks are gone. but that error remains. a proof that I had never done and been to match it only with the bluetooth of the phone, without opening the app. It gives me the error that the ecu does not give permission. Is it correct?.
maybe i need to buy a new dongle.
is possible have the circuit diagram of ecu? for checking the components. or the first check list after assembly is a good trouble shooting .

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 10/28/23 at 07:48:05
Go to the android app settings and explicitly turn permissions on there. Please also try the loop back test on the dongle as I suggested with the dongle isolation test and send another log.

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 10/30/23 at 01:56:17
good afternoon ,
anroid app have all permission, in attache the log with loop back test.;file=Log_1029_034530_1_.txt (26 KB | 51 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 11/05/23 at 01:02:49
hi, i made any mistake? when you asked me  "loop back test on the dongle"
i have connected the dongle with external 5 volt power supply. connected the the rx and tx together . is correct?

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 11/25/23 at 04:13:33
i have change the phone and the dongle. the old have android Go. use the new with android 9. the log is different , less error , but the error OptimiserActivity - Failed to set map entry 00 remain;file=Log_1123_110348.txt (43 KB | 41 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 11/26/23 at 21:44:43
Maybe it's better to start again, I didn't answer some questions. the motorbike remained stationary for 1 year, when I tried to start it the problem began.
I tried powering the dongle via an external power supply, but the problem remains. When in doubt I replaced the dongle with a new one. the problem remains. perhaps the atmega328 has been unprogrammed or ruined?
the log is the last with the new dongle, externally powered 5 volts;file=Log_1125_060433_1_.txt (36 KB | 46 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 12/02/23 at 00:07:47
the photo of the ecu and ttl
ttl2.jpg (108 KB | 38 )
ecu.jpg (174 KB | 46 )
hypert.jpg (71 KB | 37 )

Title: Re: app android
Post by YaBB Administrator on 12/04/23 at 07:19:54
You need to connect a ground also, not just RX/TX.
The baud rate should be 57K.

Title: Re: app android
Post by alessandro ferrari on 12/04/23 at 18:01:20
the ground was connected, ill try with 57k.

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