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Message started by Motociclo on 10/29/23 at 21:11:19

Title: Ducati ST4 map
Post by Motociclo on 10/29/23 at 21:11:19
Fairly refined ST4 map.
Was started from a oem map.
Spark map is oem Duc ST4.
Injadv is based on info derived from Motec. It did make a difference to how ST started and idled. Throt response is much crisper.
O2 targets based of air fuel ratio info around ideals.
Always thought fueling was set in stone. It is more like clay!!! At cruise, i have AF set to around 14:1, (2 volts). ST seems happy at that. Much leaner, it hesitates.
Get good economy. 19km/ L or better. Accel feels fine.
Full throt set to 12.5:1. (1.25 volts)
Mild accel, 13.3:1. (1.64 volts)
I have idle set to closed loop. 12.5AF is approx 5% CO. Many Ducati's are happy idling at this.
The volts quoted are for the O2 sensor i use. Info is posted elsewhere.
There are parts of the fuel map that are unadjusted. I don't beat on it.
Temp sensor info is based on aftermarket sensors i installed. They are different to oem in terms of output.;file=Ducati_ST4_map.ecu (11 KB | 50 )

Title: Re: Ducati ST4 map
Post by Motociclo on 02/04/24 at 18:56:02
Updated ST4 map;file=Duc_ST4v2.ecu (11 KB | 42 )

Title: Re: Ducati ST4 map
Post by Motociclo on 09/12/24 at 18:40:55
Latest map.
Was having a few cold start issues. I found I had prime to rich. Starting better.
This map has tighter inj adv also.

Fuel econ, 4.9L/100km, or 20.2km/ L.
That's mixed riding with lean cruise fueling set at 13.9AF.;file=ST4_12924.ecu (11 KB | 15 )

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