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Can I have? (Read 23794 times)
YaBB Administrator
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Re: Can I have?
Reply #30 - 03/08/11 at 11:47:20
Had me for a while there.

You've found some debug code I added to sort out the fuel usage calculation. You get this by hitting Button 4 when at the main menu. Hit button 4 again to exit this.
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The Administrator.
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Mad Farquhar
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Slainthe mhath

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Black Isle, Scotland
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Re: Can I have?
Reply #31 - 03/09/11 at 08:34:37
Thank you Cliff and Raz for your forbearance in helping me through the last week or so. Need to go back to work to earn some dosh to pay for all this effort and stuff so there will be a short interlude until I come up with some more fatuous cries for help.
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MG Sport 1100 inj
Honda ST1100
V7 Stone
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Mad Farquhar
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Slainthe mhath

Posts: 171
Black Isle, Scotland
Gender: male
Re: Can I have?
Reply #32 - 03/20/11 at 10:52:59
Had a run of about 40 miles in 7 deg C but dry, sunny and occasionally snow at the side of the road. Sand and grit up the middle of the carriageway and tractor mud from fields liberally spread over the road at junctions and field entrances. Apart from that I had an amazing run and no farts, pops,stalls or any other nonsense. Grin from ear to ear. Melded my map and some of Raz and other bits and pieces. Only drawback is the optimiser falls over after a while - probably due to my lardy ass bending the seat and crushing the cat 5 cable beneath. Need to reroute that tomorrow! Bloody marvellous. Cheesy
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« Last Edit: 03/20/11 at 10:55:14 by Mad Farquhar »  

MG Sport 1100 inj
Honda ST1100
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Re: Can I have?
Reply #33 - 03/22/11 at 06:43:42
Maybe I too should make my Italian Stallion ready. I find 7°C bloody cold but somehow 10°C is OK, and we're there any day now.

This winter I did absolutely nothing to the bike, that's very odd. Though I will change oil and perhaps spark plugs for good measure.
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59° North
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Mad Farquhar
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Slainthe mhath

Posts: 171
Black Isle, Scotland
Gender: male
Re: Can I have?
Reply #34 - 03/22/11 at 07:00:16
Hope you dont mind me plagiarising your map but the machine is transformed with your injdur settings - also the Raceco v/v settings may have influence. I think its running a tad rich and am starting to look at your plug ins to se what exactly is happening. After 4750 rpm it just pulls away like mad - that's what gave me the massive grin.
It's 13 degC today and very windy but back to work tomorrow so maybe take the bike to work soon!!

edit: I am running competition cans (daylight through them) and individual K&Ns at the moment.
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« Last Edit: 03/22/11 at 07:59:51 by Mad Farquhar »  

MG Sport 1100 inj
Honda ST1100
V7 Stone
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Kiwi Roy
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Re: Can I have?
Reply #35 - 04/08/11 at 22:33:50
How about a nice sticker to proclaim I have MyECU.
I used to worry about reliability (after all I soldered it myself) and carry my old one in the tool tray but I'm not even sure where that is now.
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Mad Farquhar
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Slainthe mhath

Posts: 171
Black Isle, Scotland
Gender: male
Re: Can I have?
Reply #36 - 04/09/11 at 00:22:35
Funny that- i was thinking exactly the same. I made up a wee sticker last week for my new console in the interim and just for the crack am looking for a modest BT sticker to stick on the fairing. Purely to see what curiosity it arouses.
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MG Sport 1100 inj
Honda ST1100
V7 Stone
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