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I am slowly developing a relationship with MyEcu.
Posts: 150
Sorry if this all a bit slow and laborious – it’s my nature, try talking to me in real life! I am having problems understanding the TPS breakpoints on the map, in particular the map statement "This defines the throttle breakpoints. This on top of TPS base above". I understand the breakpoints are from the conversion of the millivolt output by the TPS. 0volt = 0TPS and 5volt = 1024TPS. (Or possibly 1 to 1023 to be pedantic) Although one would think WOT = 1024TPS, mine is nearer 980. Is this just the result of an inevitable voltage drop to and from the TPS or possibly due to the fact one has rotated the TPS rheostat on the throttle body to set the base 150Mv and so the rheostat never turns far enough to give zero resistance and so the true 5v output. The SPORT.ECU map shows the TPS breakpoints as:- 0,64,128,192,256,320,384,448,512,576,40,704,832,96,960. I noticed that the MyEcu Controller, when set to ‘Throttle Breakpoints’ and with a TPS of 101, displays them as :- 101, 165, 229 etc. That is of course in line with the “……. This on top of TPS base above" statement. This makes Row 14 @ 997 and Row 15 @ 1061. AS my WOT is only 980 does this mean I never enter the top two rows and so never get full power?
Cliff, I recall you advising me not to worry about the Throttle Breakpoints , perhaps that was just during the initial set-up.
Edit. The '40' and '96' should of course read 640 and 896. Typo.