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My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story (Read 8131 times)
Stef G Canada
YaBB Newbies

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My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
06/10/13 at 22:05:56
Hey guys,

I thought I'd share my story quickly here.

I bought a kit from Cliff.  It's Mk7 I believe (Cliff correct me if I'm wrong).  And I am one of the first to get them. 

First thing, if you get the kit, get decent soldering hardware.  Second, don't heat up those little components too much: I burnt a few and it made my troubleshooting of the not working MyECU a nightmare.  Cliff was great all through the process, thank god.  I finally identified 3 components, which were part of the first I soldered, and the lack of experience shows.

Then I had the Andoid bluetooth comm errors:  it would connect and all, but map transfer would bug.Ity worked for a while but stopped working.  I ended up resetting the Android tablet, and it fixed things.  I reproduced the issue and it seems to be linked to me not letting the app do its thing and going to fast through the steps.  So take your time with it.  Especially Galaxy tabs, they have all sorts of layered programming on top of the standard android stuff.

The Sport210 map works fine when bke is warm. It actually pulls more than my standard map (Ducati 748 with 853 big bore kit).  Which is funnuy since this chip is aftermarket, it should not be lean!  Anyway, I still need to get it started cold.  I'll play around with the spark advance a bit, as I have gone all directions with the injdur.  I'll post my map as soon as I got it.  It should be close for 748's and 916's.  Or any 4V Desmodromic.  With just one injector that is.

See ya!


PS: a million thanks to Cliff for all the help and patience with my little patience and lack of expertise!
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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #1 - 06/19/13 at 02:58:17
Do you still need help with your "starting the cold engine" problem?

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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #2 - 06/19/13 at 07:44:53
Was that post meant for here?
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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #3 - 06/19/13 at 18:37:08
Stef G Canada wrote on 06/10/13 at 22:05:56:

...  Anyway, I still need to get it started cold.  I'll play around with the spark advance a bit, as I have gone all directions with the injdur.  ....

Starting a proper tuned engine is not that big action, nevertheless it seems to be the biggest hurdle most people are faced with.

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YaBB Administrator
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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #4 - 06/19/13 at 18:44:58
My mistake. I thought this was another thread.
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ducati with P8

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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #5 - 06/20/13 at 00:37:39
Luhbo wrote on 06/19/13 at 18:37:08:
Starting a proper tuned engine is not that big action, nevertheless it seems to be the biggest hurdle most people are faced with.


LOL ... Tell me about it...  Shocked
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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #6 - 06/20/13 at 00:58:38
Exactly what part of the story got your interest?
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ducati with P8

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Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #7 - 06/20/13 at 02:55:59
What I am trying to say that, , I too am having hard times starting my bike with MyECU.

See my thread in the "getting started..." section.


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Stef G Canada
YaBB Newbies

I love MyECU!

Posts: 12
Re: My16M SMD Mk7 design - my story
Reply #8 - 06/27/13 at 10:10:47
Well guys, I had numerous email exchanges with Cliff (good lord, is the man ever good and helpful), as I tried many things and no cold starting ever possible.

He sent me a debug hexfile to record more parameters raw from the code.  He identified things I should check, and sure enough pointed me directly to my issue, which was a dead cap (a .1 uF cap somewhat died some time after the build as it seemed fine initially).  Replaced it, put standard (base sport10.ecu) map provided by Cliff, one turn of the engine and she starts!  Man, it's all good now and Cliff has me dancing!  MAny many thanks for all the support, dozens of emails, and patience along the process.  What a passionate guy.

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