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Lambda connection (Read 3922 times)
One Centauro
YaBB Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

Posts: 20
Lambda connection
09/24/14 at 06:34:50
Hello . I'm hooking up a Mk5 pcb for lambda connection .
Cliff states that the connection to be made on a 16M is near to the heat sink ....  Is that position marked up as c?17   and the component having 16v and 100 uF on it ? 
TIA   . David.  Smiley
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Re: Lambda connection
Reply #1 - 09/24/14 at 06:52:39
There's a 3 pin header next to the comms connector.

The centre is ground, this is not essential as I run a single wire.
You can use either of the two inputs, just make sure the map selects the correct input with the line

# 0 = None, 1 = Inp1, 2 = Inp2, 3 = Both
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One Centauro
YaBB Newbies

I Love YaBB 2!

Posts: 20
Re: Lambda connection
Reply #2 - 09/25/14 at 07:25:25
I knew it was not the centre one   Smiley   Right , thank you - will ensure your line is included  Cool   .
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