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Injector dead time (Read 518 times)
YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

I love YaBB!

Posts: 679
The Land of YaBB
Injector dead time
03/08/22 at 18:16:19
Backup up your current map first and use with caution

In the map there is the following table to account for injector response to varying system voltage.

# This table relates to the injector open/close times as a function of voltage
# The value here is roughly the time ( in us )
#         16V   15V   14V   13V   12V   11V   10V    9V

InjVOn   1000  1000  1100  1200  1500  1700  2000  2500

The values were my guesses with no basis.

Now thanks to recent MyECU owner Tyrone Smith of Motorsport Electronics we have some real figures in the image below.
Fuel pressure is usually 3 bar.

The MyECU has a few extra entries that you can generate by interpolation.

If you use the values as is you may need to adjust all the InjDur entries to keep your map  unchanged.

These values are added to the injector duration last after all the normal compensations for barometric.
The important thing are the differences in values rather than there absolute values so we can produce values that require no further changes to the map.

For instance lets assume your bike runs at 14V when rolling. The original value was 1100 and the new value would be 500, a difference of 600.
If you now add 600 to each value you will now have a table that provides proper compensation but requires no further map changes.
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