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Phonic sensor (Read 1177 times)
YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

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Phonic sensor
03/26/23 at 13:57:23
I was testing the latest My16M, the Mk IX, a few weeks ago on my Sport 1100. It's normally a very reliable starter. This time it struggled to start. So I put in my known good MyECU, one of the original series, and it also was having problems.

Eventually I got it started with the new MyECU, seemingly running OK, then it abruptly died. Fortunately I had the Optimiser app connected so the next step was to look for clues in the log file.

The snippet below shows the bike running at ~1500RPM when suddenly a sequence of BP and IS.
BP is bad pulse and IS is invalid sync. Both point to problems with the engine pickup.

TimingInfo RPM 1616, InjDur 3990us, SpkPos 21.22, MapXY (2.5,1.2)
CompInfo AirP 990mb, InjDur 2935us, InjVAdv 1155us, CylOffs 1024, Baro 103.2%
Thro=150d, airT=23C, airP=990mb, EngT=42C, Batt=13.33V, o21=0.80V, o22=0.57V
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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

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The Land of YaBB
Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #1 - 03/26/23 at 14:03:16
It was a struggle to remove the original sensor. Slight bulging of the body. Normally these fail when the engine warms up, so surprised it failed cold.

I was shocked when trying to find a replacement as most places were asking around $200. Even 2nd hand ones on ebay were pricey. Fortunately I found MG Cycle had them for a realistic price - http://www.mgcycle.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=2450 and they quickly arrived in Australia.

Tomorrow I'll see if the bike runs with the new sensor.
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« Last Edit: 03/26/23 at 14:04:06 by YaBB Administrator »  

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Mad Farquhar
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Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #2 - 03/26/23 at 16:23:53
Yup, got that T-shirt! Same issue. Swollen midriff, happens to us all over time I believe. Marelli items were about £30 - ten years (or more) so ago. Probably about £60 now🥴.
The Sportie workshop manual states the diagnosis of the sonic sensor failure is by exception or something similar. That is; the original diagnostic led system flashes merrily away for any other sensor fault but not for the sonic one. Usually useful, once you read the small print however in my case the inline resister to the led was also broken in two which lead (!) to some fairly serious beard stroking I can tell you. The fact myECU can point to it is a very good thing.
I carry a spare as a matter of course because, you know….
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MG Sport 1100 inj
Honda ST1100
V7 Stone
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YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

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The Land of YaBB
Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #3 - 03/27/23 at 07:55:02
I have since found this thread which points to the SEN-813 as a substitute - http://www.guzziriders.org/rpm-and-tdc-sensor_topic455.html.
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The Administrator.
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YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

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The Land of YaBB
Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #4 - 04/28/23 at 11:03:30
Woohoo! Finally got the Sport to fire up again. It's been a frustrating month.

Turns out installing the sensor with a new O-ring is harder than it should be and I couldn't get the sensor to sit as close as it used to resulting in a reduced signal.

So I thought I spend some time improving the start code in the MyECU. That's one area that the MyECU hasn't matched the OEM.

I've already spent some time on this recently as a couple of local bikes, a Centauro and a Sport, proved the be more difficult to start than most. I got the new code working well. Now it is a bit better again.
In fact I have one of my original MyECUs as a failsafe and it can't start the bike in its current form now.
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The Administrator.
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Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #5 - 04/28/23 at 12:40:03
Good luck with that.  Starts do have some difficulty, if you can solve it. We'd all appreciate it.
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #6 - 02/04/24 at 16:59:46
I have burned out this sensor twice in the past on my bike.
This occurred when using a SHORAI or other lithium battery and a stock Ducati regulator.
You can search 60800131 on ebay for a replacement.

I thought it was caused by overcurrent due to the compatibility between the lithium battery and the regulator, so I replaced it with a Shindengen MOSFET regulator (FH020HH) to prevent this and it has not occurred since.
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YaBB Administrator
YaBB Administrator

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Posts: 679
The Land of YaBB
Re: Phonic sensor
Reply #7 - 02/05/24 at 06:48:37
The sensor would not being seeing anything related to the battery voltage so the failure is not due to the battery or regulator.
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